Thursday, May 28, 2015

A Teacher I Will Never Forget

We are excited to welcome Mrs. Campbell back to school and even more excited to have her as our guest blogger today! 

A Teacher I Will Never Forget

It was my first day of 3rd grade. It was also my first day at my new school. I was beyond nervous because I didn’t know anyone and I knew what it was like to be the new kid. I remember walking down the hall hoping that all the kids would be nice and that I would have a great teacher. Before I even walked into the room I saw my teacher’s bright sweet smile as she greeted each and every student. She must have noticed the scared looked on my face when I reached the door, because  she immediately bent down and said, “Good Morning, you must be our new student Sara! We are so excited to have you as part of our family here at Stone Academy!” From that moment I knew that Mrs. Baugh was going to be an amazing teacher!

Mrs. Baugh took the time to work with us one on one. At first I had trouble learning multiplication facts, but she found a way to make learning easier by sitting down with me and walking me through each step. She made sure that she read with each kid at least once a week. We always enjoyed our reading time with her!

Each morning we would write to her in our writing journals. We could write about what we did over the weekend, if we had a question about something new we were learning, or anything else we had on our mind. I would always tell her about my favorite things to do. I told her about riding four-wheelers, the exciting new book I was reading, and about my clogging and ballet lessons. Mrs. Baugh was always very eager to hear about my dance lessons because she used to dance as a little girl too! She even asked me when my recital was because she wanted to come watch me! When she came, I felt like a million bucks because she came to watch ME dance!

Throughout the school year Mrs. Baugh taught us how to multiply, divide, read and write; more importantly, she made each and every student feel special. I will never forget Mrs. Baugh--ever.

Have you ever had a teacher that made you feel special? I would love for you to share who your favorite teacher has been and what he/she did to make you feel important!