Thursday, January 29, 2015

Meet the Blogger

As mentioned in the description, this blog is an attempt to assist Evergreen students with developing necessary digital citizenship skills that will help them use the Internet and social media in a safe and useful way.  Facilitating appropriate online communication will be the main goal. Therefore, this blog is directed to and written for Evergreen students and their parents. Thursday mornings are the time I have designated to writing so without further ado, here we go:

Today, in this inaugural post, you get to "Meet the Blogger". While many of you know a lot about me already, for those that do not here are some highlights.  I have been an administrator in the Woodbury City Public School system for the past eight years with the last four here at Evergreen as principal. This means I have been an administrator for longer than most of my preschool, kindergarten, first, second, and third graders have been alive!  This makes me feel a bit old (surely, a few teachers reading this will get a chuckle out of that comment). Over the years, I have had many of your older brothers and sisters, aunts, uncles, and cousins in school as well; I know your parents and grandparents.  Woodbury is such a small, interconnected community.

This blogger is blessed with a wonderful family - a spectacular wife and three rambunctious children. My two older children are in elementary school just like you!  I am an avid reader, diehard NY Jets fan (don't hold it against me, I grew up in central NJ), and overall sports enthusiast.  Fishing, camping, and skiing are all activities I thoroughly enjoy. Here is a picture from a recent trip I took:

What types of things do you enjoy doing when you are not in school?  I would love to read your thoughts in the comment section below!

Until next Thursday - show Evergreen PRIDE and have a Growth Mindset!