Thursday, April 30, 2015

First Visits

As April turns to May, splashes of color seem to be everywhere.  Trees, shrubs, and flowers are all in bloom; spring is most definitely here.

This time of year is one of anticipation and excitement.  All of the fun activities the warm weather affords us come rushing back to our minds.  Baseball, softball, swimming, fishing, and intense games of tag with our friends are remembered fondly. After the long, dreary winter we are ready to get outside and enjoy the world again. The freedom that summer represents will be here soon.

The warm weather also makes me reminisce about family trips.  My family would always go on some type of trip - to visit relatives, see a new place, or take a vacation.  I'm not sure about your family trips, but as a kid I loved going and relished the sense of adventure they brought into my life.

Some time around 5th grade, we took a trip to visit my aunt in Arizona.  My aunt had recently moved out there and this was our first visit to see her.  If you have never been to Arizona is looks quite different from New Jersey.  Where New Jersey is crowded with people, houses, and trees, Arizona is immensely open with majestic mountains dotted with cacti.

On this trip, my family only stayed for a short time but I was able to spend almost a month in The Grand Canyon State. It was wonderful.  The state is so beautiful and there are so many interesting places to visit - Old Tuscon, Monument Valley, Sedona, Petrified Forest, and of course the Grand Canyon. It was all so new and so much fun.  I even remember learning how to play the game of Spades on this trip.

As I look back now as an adult, I think a lot of my fond memories of this trip stem from the fact this was first visit to Arizona.  Something about experiencing new vistas, people, and culture leave an edible imprint.

In the comment section below, I would like to hear about places you visited for the first time.  Perhaps, like me, you visited a family member in another state?  Maybe your family took a road trip somewhere that was particularly memorable for you? Perhaps you went on a vacation some place that you really enjoyed? Tell me all about it.  Where did you go?  What do you remember about the place?  Why did you enjoy it?  What is one thing you can share that would entice other people to visit?

I can't wait to read all of your comments!


  1. I went to New York to go meet my aunt and there I learned how to ride a bike. I went to New York I was in 3 grade. I can't wait to go back to NY to visit my family.

  2. My Daddy took my sister, mom and I to Mexico. I will never forget all the fun we had on that trip. I really liked your blog this week.

  3. I went to New York to visit my Grandpa and Dad,I love them. I enjoy spending time with my family. I can't wait to go again.

  4. I visited my grandmom and pop pop in Colorado and I had so much fun.

  5. When I was little I went to the zoo for the first time with my family. I liked it there because I got to see a lot of animals and I got to be with my family. Thanks for the BLOG!!!.

  6. I took a trip to visit some family in Georgia . We had so much fun! I can't wait to go again. Thank you for your blog.

  7. Thank you sharing your blog with me.Last summer I went to Virginia kings Dominion and I had a lot of fun. I went on a lot of Rollercoaster one of the rollercoaster was called the Volcano. It was really fun,but when I dropped I got really scared.That was the time I went to Virginia

  8. Oh man I love to travel and traveled a lot before I got married. I have two favorite memories. I once traveled to Arizona to visit my grandparents and decided to take a trip to the grand canyon alone. On the bus trip to the grand canyon, I decided to take a helicopter ride into the Grand Canyon. It was amazing to pass over forests and all of a sudden the earth just dropped off into the grand canyon. It looked as if a giant stepped on the earth and caused this huge crater. It was breathtaking to see this amazing natural wonder from that view point.

    My second best memory was traveling in Italy. I traveled the country but my favorite was Venice. Venice did not have streets or roads, just water and everyone traveled in boats. The gondola ride was my absolute favorite! One fun fact is the water in Venice is FILTHY! It is smelly and dirty but still an awesome experience.The people were friendly and loved to eat. The entire country would take a break after lunch and rest then go back to work. It was amazing to see how people live in other countries.

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  10. The first time going to wood bury, my great great Grammy is going coming here to see me and i'm so excited.

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. I love your blog it is so cool! My first visit is New jersy but at first I was scared But once I got to explore it was great. I love visiting places I never been. My favorite place is Atlanta. What is your favorite place? And Where have you been?

  13. I have been to alt of places like Disney world , Ocean city and the beaches. My most favorite trip was Ocean City I got to go on the board walk and ride rides and go on the beach. It was awesome.

  14. The first place I been to was the dept ford skating rink and it was fun because I met new friends

  15. I went to florida for my Nanni's birthday. We went to the candy shop and even the mall it was alot diffrent from our mall. We had lots of fun and I hope to go their again.

  16. A couple summers ago I went Florida and I saw my aunt Susie it was so fun

  17. I like to go to Vermont in the winter and summer. It is a beautiful state! It also has a lot of original restaurants. I like to go hiking in the winter and I go on rope courses in the summer. Even if it's winter, I can still go to a pool because there is an indoor pool near my house. I love all my visits to Vermont!
