Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Podcast Episode 2 - An Interview with Ms. Bhatia - 5th Grade Teacher at Evergreen

Below you will find our second podcast episode.  This is an interview with Ms. Bhatia our new 5th grade teacher at Evergreen.  This is an opportunity for students and parents to get to know a little bit more about Ms. Bhatia. We hope you enjoy it!

Download the MP3 file


  1. Enjoyed the interview even if the last question was not completed. I liked to hear that Ms. Bhatia is a Phillies fan and I am jealous that her Utley jersey is autographed by him and mine is not. I really like her routine of "Morning Meeting" as it demonstrates how important her students are to her. Have a great year Ms. Bhatia!

    1. Thank you so much! I definitely treasure my signed Utley jersey!

  2. Great interview! Ms. Bhatia and I both share a love for Harry Potter! I think we should take a school field trip to Orlando to visit The Wizarding World of Harry Potter at Universal.

    Good luck Ms. Bhatia and have a great year :)

    1. I volunteer to chaperone that field trip!!! Thank you, Mrs. Campbell! :)

  3. Thank you Ms. Bhatia. I like the part where you talk about taking karate.

  4. Thank you! The question that I liked is when Ms. Bhatia talked about karate. I liked hearing about how she starts her day.

  5. Thank you Ms. Bhatia for sharing your thoughts. I really liked your interview. I think it is cool that you do karate.

  6. I Really liked learning more about Ms. Bhatia on today Podcast, I especially like the story about the her Being a Phillies Fan.

  7. Thank you Ms. Bhatia for your Podcast. I really liked how you help your students become better readers.

  8. Thank you Ms.Bhatia for your podcast. It's so nice that you call your mom everyday.

  9. Thank you! The question that I liked is when Ms. Bhatia talked about karate. I liked hearing about how she starts her day.

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