Thursday, March 12, 2015

The Power of Belief

For the majority of my life, I believed that people had certain innate talents.  If you were a really good baseball player or could sing well enough to be on American Idol, it meant that you were lucky to be born with those skills.  Kids who were prolific readers or who could compute numbers quickly and accurately in school were simply smart. Everyone seemed to be lumped into one of two categories - you either had the talent, or you didn't.  Sure you could practice at something and get better, but on a fundamental level you either were or were not.

This world view was great if you happen to be in the "good" category.  But, what if you weren't? What if your early experiences with something were not successful?  What if you failed at something? How did you react?

In elementary school, spelling was a "talent" I did not have.  Spelling tests and accurately spelling words while writing were always a challenge for me. I just assumed that I wasn't good at spelling and tried my best not to be put in positions where I had to do it all that often; rather than trying to get better, I avoided it altogether as best I could.

Much later in life, I came across the work of Dr. Carol Dweck and her research about how our brains function.  She explained how are brains are not static, or fixed, but how they can be changed and grow. She introduced me to the concept of having a Growth Mindset.  Much like a muscle, if we exercise our brains in specific ways and try to get better at the things we are not currently good at, our brains will actually grow!  More neurons - those are the cells in our brains that process and transmit information - will form inside our brains when we purposefully try to get better at things. In a sense, our brains actually get better when we work hard to improve.


So, all of this time I spent thinking that people were born with a talent or not was wrong?  All of this time I spent thinking people were simply smart, athletic, musical, or even good SPELLERS was inaccurate?....YES, I was wrong!!!

The interesting thing is that most kids and adults still believe that everyone is born with a certain amount of talent, intelligence, or personality and one cannot increase this random gift of nature.  Here at Evergreen, each of you are different.  You know what it means to have a Growth Mindset.  You know that by working hard, learning from your failures, and believing in the power of "yet", you can grow your brains.  

However, outside of Evergreen you will still have to convince some of your friends, family members, and maybe even your parents that this is true.  To help you be persuasive, here is my challenge for you:

At Evergreen we have purposefully filled the school, your classrooms, and the lessons you learn with both visible and invisible messages of having a Growth Mindset.  Find them. List them in the comment section.  Make as many connections as you can between having a Growth Mindset and your experiences at Evergreen.  The student who finds the most and makes the best associations will be recognized by me publicly and will win a prize!

Open your eyes, look all around you and find all the ways your school is trying to teach you to believe that you can get better at anything by having a Growth Mindset, even spelling!


  1. We do AVID morning meeting and we see posters in the hall. We talk about famous people who invented stuff. We write goals in our binder for us to reach each week. We practice being successful student.

  2. At AVID meetings we talk about growth mindset. We have growth mindsets when we are reading and working to toward our reading goals. We write goals in our binder. Thanks for the blog.

  3. Every month the 4th and 5th grade attend the AVID morning monthly meeting. We also have morning meetings in Mrs Pringle's class where we talk and learn how to be successful students and to have a growth mind set.

    1. Ethan - which was your favorite AVID morning meeting?

  4. We have a AVID Morning Meeting once a month in the APR with 4th and 5th grade. In the hallways at school there are many posters about AVID and having a growth mindset .

  5. We do an AVID Meeting once a month in the APR with the 4th and 5th grade. When we walk in the hallways at school we see posters about having a growth mindset.I also write my goal in my binder every week, it helps me to stay focused.

  6. One thing that we do once a monthly AVID morning meeting. Another thing that we have is a AVID binder and it helps me to stay organized. Another thing are the posters thru out our classroom and the school talking about having a growth mindset. Lastly, we have morning meetings in Mrs. Pringle's class.

  7. My teachers are installing a lesson in my mind that is helping me understand the point of what there teaching me

    1. my teachers are open the door to success but I must enter in myself and learning is not homework its lifework

  8. I have a growth mindset by the posters outside in the hallway and by keeping my binder organized so I know were all my papers are for the next day.

  9. I get a growth mindset by my teacher supporting me by telling me not to give up and the posters in the hall way help me get more growth mindset.

  10. It is that when we have Avid morning and when Mrs.Costello keep saying have a growth mindset. I have a poster in my class and in hallways and that I always think to my self that do I have a growth mindset and I always think yes I do.

  11. I really liked your blog! It really made people that thought that they were not good at something, now they can feel good about it. I use to feel that way about my spelling, and I still do. Now I realize that every body is not perfect, and that is mainly what your blog is about that , every body is not perfect.

  12. I guess almost everything here can inspire growth mindset. I look around, and the most obvious things are posters. Things that stand out to me are "Believe in yourself"(poster) and how the posters listing how to do things are showing us we can always learn more. Also, the growth mindset signs out in the halls say important things. One that is near my door is"It is okay to celebrate success, but more important to heed the lessons of failure." One I always am thinking of is"Hard work beats talent when talent fails to work hard." In lessons, the teachers urge us to learn and have growth mindset.

    1. Rory - you are so observant! To look at our mistakes with open eyes rather than anger or embarrassment and truly see where we went wrong is critical to growth. If you put enough time and effort into anything you will be successful!

  13. In my class it is a poster that says believe in yourself and also a poster that says what good readers do and a poster that i really like it says teachers open the door but you must enter by yourself that what reminds me to have a growth mindset.

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. some times we have AVID morning meeting and we have a lot of growth mindset posters and we have a lot of respect AVID teachers to teach us growth mindset.

  16. In my class my teacher puts lots of avid signs. she tells us to work hard. my goal this year is to be a pride leader.

  17. My teachers try to give me a Growth Mindset by saying you can do just put Effort to it. I see posters hanging on the wall that can give people a Growth Mindset! `

  18. Every day I walk through the hallway and see all the posters like S.W.A.G and P.R.I.D.E. I believe that students get smarter by showing pride and their brains get bigger and bigger as they learn.

  19. Nice blog Dr.vivadelli my teacher's are the one that they told me that.If keep you practicing youll become better at the thing you practice.

    1. Alan, you are correct; keep listening to those wise teachers!

  20. Whenever I do math I can the equations are getting harder and harder each day,every month we have the AVID morning meetings which give us challenges,also the PRIDE leaders are setting good examples to the other students in Evergreen,the PRIDE is also giving challenges to help give fun celebrations and they also give you a chance to become a PRIDE leader! And whenever we have subjects such as Literacy or Math the teachers give us challenging problem and homework to help us become more intelligent and help us get a better Growth Mindset to get us to Woodbury Junior High School!.

  21. The way growth mindset is poster like believe in yourself and the teachers tell us to have a growth mindset and the posters in the hallways tell me too have a growth mind set you too Dr.V.

  22. The things that help me do my work is they posters around the room

  23. The things that help me do my work is they posters around the room

  24. I really loved your new blog. My talent is to build. I have a growth mindset on doing better on math and science. I tried to be my self and loosen up and relax. Some classmates of mine says they can't do anything, but I encoureg them.

    1. Keith - that is so kind of you to encourage your classmates when they are struggling.

  25. All the things that inspire me to have a growth mindset are the posters. The questions on the board to help me think and get stuff right to feel good about myself.I also get inspired by my teachers and how they encourage me.

  26. This comment has been removed by the author.

  27. I really like your blog! I think it is so cool that you and I grew up the same way.
    You just have to put your mind to it!

  28. I really liked your blog entry. A lot of things that we learn to have a growth mindset is PEMDAS, One pagers,challenging math, slant, AVID, and our AVID morning meeting where we learn all about a growth mindset, and all the strategies like our sticky note strategies in reading time, our math strategies, and the way we have to walk in the hallway, and when we show pride, and all of the important facts our teachers tell us, AVID assessments we do.

    1. Kwydir your comments very good I think you have the most answer.

  29. Hey Dr.V I really love your blog you did. All the things that inspire me are the posters. I also get inspired by my teachers and how they encourage me and I am also inspired by AVID STRATEGIES too. In second grade I was bad at subtraction and addition.But if I keep practicing I will do better. Just like that saying Practice makes Perfect.

  30. posters, when my teacher talk about it, when we do activities at morning meeting, when you work hard , and if you fail you learn from your mistakes, nobody was born smart.

    1. Your last two lines are the key - "if you fail you learn from your mistakes, nobody was born smart" - to understanding what it means to have a Growth Mindset. Great job Lateisha.

  31. At the avid meeting I now know that some people help others by making new things. In my class I read better I know more math and I did not no what avid was now I do and I know more history.

  32. I was not good at spelling at the begining of the year but now I am. Here are my choices for growth mindset. Avid Strategies, Sticky Notes, Math, reading books on your reading level, being nice to others, listening to your teachers,real life questions, and not bullying.

  33. I like your opening on your blog.I was bad at subtraction and now i am good at subtraction and i am good at it now.I was bad at math and i practice in my parents inspire me.

  34. Your entry was very inspirational.Also some things that makes me have a growth mind set is sticky note strategies and generating questions.

  35. I liked your blog. My brain is starting to grow smart. I think I'm starting to grow like a smart kid. My talent is to help others. I have a growth mindset on doing better in anything. I also get inspired by my mom and my older brother and how they encourage me.

    1. Ronald - I love to hear that your brain is growing. Having a talent "to help others" is really important. Being kind is more important than anything else!

  36. I like your opening on your blog.I was bad at subtraction and now i am good at subtraction and i am good at it now.I was bad at math and i practice in my parents inspire me.

  37. I liked your blog. My teachers encourage me to help me with my work it also helps me make my brain mussels stronger. Also I drink water when I am have trouble with a problem. When I'm going outside and play then I get tired I push my limits. When I am having trouble in spelling I picture the word In my head and try to spell the word. I do sticky notes to sum up my page. Avid helps me with all subjects. I also try my best.

  38. Dr.V, I really enjoy hearing about Growth Mindset because I think it help you do better in life. Evergreen Avenue school have PRIDE.

  39. I loved reading your entry! AVID has helped me with growth mindset. I was really bad with literacy, but growth mindset has helped me work through, then eventually I was top reader!

  40. I liked your story, khan academy, typing club, Google classroom.

  41. I used to struggle with math but I really study really hard in second grade and when I was in first grade I used to beat everyone in the game Around the World. I beat everyone in my class. Miss Savage tries to helps us a lot on reading and whats us succeed our reading goals.
