Wednesday, November 25, 2015

To be Grateful

In addition to scrumptious turkey, delectable mashed potatoes, and the crème de la crème of the meal - cranberry sauce, Thanksgiving is about gratitude.  It provides a checkpoint in the year for all of us to take stock of our lives. Family, friends, and the people with whom we interact everyday are enriching; they teach us to love, to laugh, to forgive. They show us examples of PRIDE in big ways and in small.

On this eve of Thanksgiving, I'd like share with you a few of things I am grateful for:

  • Our new redesigned Reading Room! Ms. JoAnn, Mrs. Pringle, Mrs. Worthington, & Mrs. Doukakis have spent countless hours preparing a new fantastically comfortable space for our students

  • Teachers who are willing to step out of their comfort zone and use Number Talks and Three Act Lessons to engage students in deep mathematical thinking.  Just recently, I've observed Mrs. Dougherty, Mrs. Costello, Mrs. Hansberry, and Mr. Grundel doing exactly that!

  • Rori and Jahnesha - two 5th graders - who consistently perform their role as morning announcers with aplomb

  • All of our staff who agreed to be Student Success Mentors and focus on improving student attendance this year; thank you!

  • Students who do the right thing, even when no one is looking.  This type of integrity is on display in each of our classrooms everyday

  • Classes that have worked hard reading as many books as possible to win Humphrey for a week.  Thank you to Mrs. Pringle, Ms. Savage, Mrs. Costello, Ms. Saeger, and Ms. Frazier's students!

  • For our support staff who strive everyday to help our neediest students to fulfill their infinite potential

  • The smiles and hugs of students I receive every day; it means the world to me!

Having numerous things to be thankful for, I could not possibly list them all in this post. Surely, many of you feel the same way.  However, in the comment section below, please share with me two or three things you are grateful for in your life.  I would love to hear about them!

Happy Thanksgiving!


  1. I am grateful for my students and how I get to learn and grow with them every day. I am thankful that I get to do it with the support of a loving school staff every day here at Evergreen:) Mrs. Costello

  2. Happy Thanksgiving to all who wrote this message and have a wonderfull Thanksgiving.I am thankful for my school. I am grateful for my friends, brother, sister, and family. I hope you all have a wonderful happy thanksgiving.

  3. I am thankful for you because you share your post with us.I am thankful for all the our books I have read.Also I am thankful for our Evergreen teachers for teaching the students to get smarter and smarter.

  4. Thank for sharing with us Dr. Vivadelli. Three things I am thankful for are my family,my Aunt, and my Grandma because they always take care of me and they love me and my baby brother.

  5. Thank you for your post . I am Thankful for my family because they take care of me. I am also thankful for my school because I have a lot of friends. Lastly, I am thankful for my homework because I can learn a lot from it.

  6. Thank you for saying the things that you are grateful for. I'm grateful for my family because they always loved me and take care of me. I am thankful for this school because I can learn things i didn't know. I am thankful for my Kindergarten buddies because I love to read to them. Lastly, I am thankful for the whole planet because its where I live. I hope everyone has a great Thanksgiving.

  7. Thank you for sharing your thoughts! I am very grateful that I get to be a part of the Evergreen family. I am thankful for the opportunity to get to work with such wonderful people and for the chance to make a real difference in our student's lives on a daily basis.

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. I am grateful for a roof over my head.
    I am also thankful for a nice and kind school that I go to.

  10. I'm thankful for my family because they are there when I need them and being alive.

  11. I am thankful for my brothers, and my mom and dad. I am also thankful for my home. I am grateful for those things because it keeps me warm,safe and happy. I'm thankful my teachers because they help me learn new things everyday. I have many things to be thankful for and hope everyone has a great holiday.

  12. I am thankful for having a nice school with all of great and nice friends and a wonderful and nice principal. I am also grateful for a home and my mom and dad because they support me and buy me clothes get me what I need.

  13. I am grateful for my brother because he has epilepsy I am also grateful for my family because we are blessed and will always be blessed. I hope everybody has a Happy Thanksgiving!

  14. I really liked reading your blog this morning. I am thankful for my family. I also love spending time and playing with my friends. I am so grateful for my new school. I want to wish everyone a Happy Thanksgiving!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  15. I loved your Thanksgiving blog thank you for sharing your blog with us! Three things I am thankful for are my food,water, and family and friends. I am thankful for my family because they buy me nice things, and some people around the world don't have parents that can love them watch them grow up. I am thankful for my friends because without them I'd be lonely and when I'd be sad there wouldn't be anyone to cheer me up. Last but not least, I am thankful for my food and water because some people around the world can't afford food and water to help them grow up healthy and strong.

  16. I am thankful for my family because I know I am grateful to have one. Some kids don't have a family. When I grow up, even now, I want to raise or save money for kids without families, so parents can adopt the children, and the children can have a better life, holidays, birthdays, and more, and can spend it with their family. I am also thankful for a life! Thank you God for a life!
    P.S; Thank you for the start of Thanksgiving!

  17. I am thankful for family and friends.

  18. Aplomb is our class' word of the week,

  19. I like the blog! Three things that I am grateful for is my house, my school, and for my family! Have a wonderful Thanksgiving.

  20. I'm thankful for my mom and dad because they are always staying by my side no matter what. I'm thankful for my brothers because they make me smile everyday,and I'm thankful my best friend because she is always there for me.

  21. I am thankful for all the PRIDE leaders from last year and this year. These students are such a positive influence on the rest of us. My hope is that all Evergreen students continue to show PRIDE, and join the parties by the end of this year.

    I'm also thankful for my wonderful class in Room 16!

  22. I'm grateful for my bed, because some people don't have a great bed to sleep on at night. HAPPY THANKSGIVING!!

  23. I really like your post DR.V. I am thankful for being in a nice pride showing school. Because I had all the best teachers ever! Thank you all my teachers even you DR.V .

  24. I am grateful for my life .I am thankful for my friends. I am also thankful for the delicious food that I can eat because my mother and aunt are the best cooks that I know. I am also thankful for all of the teachers in this school because they are always nice to me and encourage me to try my best especially my teacher Mrs. Langford.

  25. I am thankful for my wonderful family. They care for me and help me through my ups and downs. I am also thankful for my friends so I can have somebody to talk to. I am also thankful for my teachers. They stay after hours everyday to plan our whole day so that we have a wonderful day. I am also thankful for Mrs.Langford because she teaches us new things everyday.
