Thursday, February 5, 2015

Unfamiliar Foods

While in elementary school, I can distinctly remember thinking how gross and disgusting it seemed when people would talk about eating sushi.  Raw, uncooked fish was not my idea of a savory meal.  This sentiment stayed with me through middle and high school and even extended into college.

It was there, while working at a fancy restaurant in Princeton, that my eyes, and more importantly my taste buds, were opened to this unfamiliar food.  As a standard practice, the Executive Chef, who was responsible for creating the specials menu each night, would sit the staff members down hours before the place opened and review the newly added items.  The chef would describe in great detail where the food came from, any distinguishing characteristics, and share flavor notes that were important to convey to the guests; we were all then given small samples to try.  It was in one of these sessions that I was first confronted with eating this:

Being quite persuasive, the chef explained in an interesting way how with certain types of fish - such as tuna - if you cook the meat too long the actual internal structures start to break down and that completely changes the way the food tastes. So, I worked up some courage, grabbed my chop sticks and clumsily shoved a piece in my mouth.  

Immediately, I was hooked.  This was not just a food I seemed to like, this was a food I loved!  

Now, sushi cravings are common for me.  I pester everyone around me to get sushi as often as possible.  My favorite rolls - often sushi is wrapped in nori (a green seaweed) and rice to form a roll - are Spicy Tuna Rolls, Philadelphia Rolls, and this beauty - a Dragon Roll:

This experience has remained with me and I try to encourage my own children to try unfamiliar foods all the time.  We actually have a rule in my house that you can't tell me that you do not like something unless you have tried it three times: once to get over the shock of simply eating the food, twice to see if you actually like the taste, and three times to confirm whether you like it or not.  This rule has helped my children become significantly more open to unfamiliar foods than I was at their age.

Evergreen students - what unfamiliar foods have you worked up the courage to try?  What is the most unappetizing food for you?

As you think about these questions, try also to have an open mind - maybe even a Growth Mindset! - and make it a point to take the plunge and try it!

You never know just what new flavorful door could be opened for you!


  1. I love sushi too! Unfortunately, I haven't been able to have any for the past nine months because eating raw fish isn't healthy for pregnant women. I really enjoy trying new foods! We had a restaurant in South Carolina that served exotic foods from all over the world. My favorite was kangaroo, I know it sounds gross but it was actually very good :) My least favorite foods are pork chops, mayonnaise and oysters.

    1. Kangaroo?? Now that is exotic! The closest I can come to that level of "different" is ostrich; it tastes remarkably like filet mignon

    2. what is kangaroo is it like real kangaroo?comment back pleas

    3. Gagandeep, yes it was real kangaroo from Australia. It was delicious!

  2. I really enjoyed reading your blog! As a child, I was a very picky eater. I only ate the typical "kid's meal"- chicken fingers, french fries, pizza, etc. As an adult, I am more open to trying new foods. One food I tried was shrimp (the only type of seafood I've actually tried) and I wasn't a fan. I tried it one more time, but it still isn't one of my favorites. My least favorite foods are seafood (obviously), mushrooms, and spaghetti squash.

    1. I don't like chicken fingers much,but I will eat it.:)

    2. chicken fingers are so good Rory.How you hate it answer back.

    3. chicken fingers are so good Rory.How you hate it answer back.

    4. I really like you blog i love chicken fingers at first i didint like them like the hard outside but now i like them. But with extra chese

  3. Your blog was really great! :3 I can't wait for the next one! I have never had the courage to try a new food. The most unappetizing foods for me are pizza, chinese food, and hot dogs. I don't like trying new foods because I can almost sense I don't like it.

    1. Natalie we have to make a plan to put your "spider sense" away for just a bit to get you to try something new!

  4. I tried broccoli and I really like it. It was so good. The foods I don't like are mayonnaise and sushi. I can not wait till next week.#:):)

  5. I tried clams and liked it because my dad's friend encouraged me to try it and it was magnificent . One thing I tried and didn't like was a sunny side up eggs . I didn't like it at all . I am ready for next week :} ;} :} :} :}.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Connor - I'm glad to hear that you were brave and tried clams. Good for you!

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. I never had sushi. If I did I would probably like it because I love fish! I really don't know if I will like it but I will try it. One usual food I tried and didn't liked is oysters with BBQ sauce.My least favorite food is mayonnaise,oysters,pork chops,and sloppy Joe.

    1. You should try sushi because it is just like fish Kwydir. Dr Vivadelli inspired me. So I will try it.

  7. I really enjoyed reading the story you posted.But I really don't like eating sushi my self. But I really enjoy crabs!

  8. I never tried sushi because my church says that its not good to eat bottom feeders.I tried crab before,and it was good,and now I may or may not try sushi.I honestly loved your story it reminded me of my brother. :)

    1. Erica - stick to Spicy Tuna Rolls then; tuna are not "bottom feeders".

  9. I like your story about sushi. I like sushi too but foods that I don't like pork chops and I don't like pig feet. But now I like pork chops.

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. I,v tried sushi and oysters and I liked it . Three foods I don't like is pork chops,mayonnaise and hot dogs.

  12. Hi! I like your blog it is very nice. I never tried sushi. Eating raw fish does not sound comfortable for me. The foods that don't like is mashed potatoes, broccoli, green peas and green beans. My mom makes those. But, she knows I don't like it. Bye!

    1. Chrischen - you have to eat your vegetables; Mom knows best!

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Dr.V I enjoyed reading your blog.One new food I tried was raw fish It was dusting.One food I like is mac cheese because It is nice and warm.

    2. You should try raw fish again.

  14. I loved it. One time I tried a jalapeno.It was hot and it had a kick to it. One thing I don't like is a lemon head.

  15. I loved sushi too! The first time I ate sushi I felt like uncooked fish. But when I was chewing the sushi I felt like a new whole world of fish around me and it was really good. I know it sounds gross but it was actually very good :) My most favorite foods are pork chops. My least favorite food is chicken food! I really enjoy trying new foods!

  16. I really liked reading your blog and I loved the pictures. One time I ate squid and it took me 5 minuets to chew each bite because I was scared of eating the tentacles.Even though it took me a long time to eat I still liked it.

    1. This is so true...I know a few people in my life who do the same thing!

  17. I enjoyed reading your blog! As a 7 year old, I was a hungry kid. I only ate Hamburgers, Apples, Bananas and Oranges. One food I tried was Broccoli and I didn't like it very much when I was 7. Now that I'm 10, I do love Broccoli. I don't like Mushrooms, China food and Sushi.

  18. I enjoyed your blog! Three foods I don't like are Octopuses, Pig feet, and Crab legs. I tried all of those three foods and they are very good especially Crab Legs I can't wait to see what exciting things you put on your blog next week.

  19. I love how you talk about food. Four foods that I don't like are sushi, pig feet, octopuses, and mushrooms. Four foods I like pizza,chicken, hot dogs, corn dogs. Can't wait to see what you put on your blog next week!

    1. I've never tried pig feet; how are they prepared?

  20. I really enjoyed reading your blog it was very nice to read. Sushi dose feel uncomfortable to try at first. That's good that you tried it though. I tried green eggs and ham before. I liked it, it was good. I don't like sushi, pig, octopuses, and shark. Your blog was good!!!

  21. I like sushi too! I really enjoyed your story. One thing I was brave enough to eat was snake. Peas, PB&J sandwiches, and rice & beans are foods that I do not like.

    1. Snake!!!!!!! That sounds disgusting. It was good your were brave enough to try it. I hope i get to try it also.

    2. snake!!!!!!! That sounds disgusting. But that's good you were brave enough to try it. I hope I get to try it one day.

    3. Snake snake snake!!!!!!!!!!! That is so so so so so so so so so so so so gross . I ate pig feet before . Have you ate it before? That is so brave of you Cinque.

    4. You ate snake that sounds very good

    5. Snake that sounds so gross but I tried pigs blood sausage that was gross that's all

    6. I would never try snake! When did you try snake?

    7. Snake!!!!!!!!!!!!! You must of been very brave to try that.

  22. I like your blog. The one thing I don't like is sushi and Brussels sprouts. They are nasty. My favorite is mac and chess.

  23. I like your post the only food I don't like are Brussels sprouts and sweet peppers.

  24. On my birthday I tried lobster. It was delicious!

  25. This comment has been removed by the author.

  26. When I was little I thought I would not like cauliflower but I tried it and I liked it. The foods I don't like are beans, pees, carrots, pork, and ham. Thanks for the blog.

  27. I like your blog a lot and thank you for sharing that with me. Unfortunately I never had sushi but I would love to try it. One thing that I have tried was tomatoes and I did not like it. My mom and my sister do not like tomatoes either.

  28. Thanks for sharing your story about sushi with us! I can remember being a kid and walking into my Grandparents house smelling the most delicious smell and thinking "Yum! What is that?" But when I got to the kitchen and realized that it was the smell of my Grandfather frying peppers, my excitement quickly diminished. Eating peppers in any form was not something I was willing to do as a child. Wow, have my taste buds changed!! As an adult I love peppers! Especially spicy ones!!! I have learned that trying new foods, even ones you have been familiar with your whole life, can be amazing and delicious.

  29. Thanks for sharing your blog about sushi, I don't like sushi. I like pizza. I tried beans and now I like to eat them for dinner.

  30. I liked your blog. I never tried sushi before. I tried shrimp and I liked it. My mom and sister like shrimp too. I do not like nachos.

  31. Thanks for the blog about sushi. I don't like sushi, I like chicken. Just yesterday I tried a turkey and cheese sandwich and I liked it!

  32. I enjoyed your blog and I would like to try sushi . One thing I tried was a pickle, at first I didn't like it and now I like it. Another food was a sweet potato. I didn't like the sweet potato then I tried it and now I like it.

    1. I LOVE sweet potato

    2. Jaylyn did you know that I love love love Sweet Potato.

  33. I Liked your blog. I have never had sushi but I would like to. I didn't think I would like broccoli but now I do. Mushrooms are a food I don't think like. Maybe I will try them soon.

  34. Thank you for sharing your blog Dr. Vivadelli. I agree with you - I like sushi now, but probably never would have tried it when I was younger because it looked different than the food our family was usually eating. I wish my parents had the idea about trying different foods three times before deciding about a food - Great idea!!!!

  35. I loved the blog! I love sushi too,I'm always begging to go out to sushi.I've even persuaded my mom to go to a sushi place for birthday dinner. I've actually tried chili,and I liked it a lot, just not the beans. (Which are the main parts of the chili,so I guess I don't like it.)I really hate beef stew and cheddar jack cheese.Oh, I also love artichokes and brussel sprouts. Rosemary spice makes me gag. Maybe I'll try them again soon.

  36. Thank you for sharing you blog. I love sushi. It is my favorite food. I don't like potato's. I also don't like green beans. I might try them few more times before I make that decision.

  37. I loved you blog! It was awesome I liked how you used the word encourage. One food I tried and didn't like was liver! It was horrible I actually liked the sauce but not much the meat. I always wanted to try liver again but I just never could because I am not confident enough to try it. But I would like to try sushi. Hoped you liked my blog. P.S... I might try liver again.

    1. Liver sounds horrible,even the name disturbs me.

    2. I hate liver too. The first time I tried it was disgusting

    3. I hate liver. But... I would try it

  38. I really liked your blog. I don't really like sushi. I tried it a couple of times and I still didn't like it. Foods that I have tried are celery,sushi, sardines and baked beans. Have you tried any other unfamiliar foods by past years. Your blog was great idea I really liked it.

    1. Try sushi again it is the most awesome food in the world!!!!!!!!

    2. sushi is not the most best food in the world. I do not like it.

    3. You should try sushi some of them are good and others are not good.

    4. What did you say Faith?What you said was TRUEorFALSE. It was FALSE

  39. Your blog was very good. I really enjoyed it. I never had sushi before but I really want to. The craziest food I have ever heard of is Octopus. My favorite food is a juicy steak with steak sauce. The worse food I ever had was fish sticks.

    1. I love juicy steak to but I do not care for steak sauce that's all

    2. I love BBQ sauce alot and love steak too

    3. I love steak I tryed steak sauce but it was gross

    4. You don't like steak sauce

    5. I like juicy steak too Julian.

  40. I loved your blog it was amazing! The weirdest food I ever tasted was octopus, red hot dogs and pigs blood sausage . I don't like octopus and I do not like pigs blood sausage . Red hot dogs aren't so great either . You have inspired me to taste sushi i will try sushi .

    1. I heard of octopus but never tried it

    2. Pig blood??????????

    3. Pig blood sausage is gross and red hot dogs

    4. This comment has been removed by the author.

    5. Pigs blood sounds good!!!!!!!!!

    6. Yes pigs blood

    7. uhmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmuuhhhhhhhhhhhh???????????????????????????????????okayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy.😑

    8. What is pig blood ? I never ate it before.

    9. In summer camp I got to cut open octupus and see its insides and smell it and it was gross.

  41. Dr. Vivadelli, I really enjoyed reading your blog! I also thought for the longest time that sushi was disgusting. However, a few friends of mine got me to try it and I immediately changed my thoughts on sushi. One of the craziest foods I've tried was buffalo and it was absolutely delicious. The one food that I can absolutely not stand is baked beans. I got sick off of them when I was in elementary school and will never try them again.

    1. I also thought that was sushi was gross but Dr Vivadelli inspired me to try it, so I will.

    2. I agree. I hate baked beans :)

    3. ... buffalo scary I hope you did not eat the head

    4. Mr.K you need to try baked beans again.

    5. I love baked beans!

    6. Mr K you don't like baked beans really I LOVE THEM !!!!!!!!!!!!

    7. Can you bring me some

    8. I hate baked beans so much.(Use my comment as preference.)

    9. I love baked beans it SOOOOOOO GOOOOOD I could eat it all day.Mr.K why you hate it?

    10. Mr.K hates it because its HORRIBLE

  42. Thank for sharing your blog Dr.Vivadelli. I like sushi a lot too. I tried it three times. I like the ones that are rolled up with seaweed and I like ones with rice around it.

  43. I don"t like some sushi's because I think some are gross. My mom made me try it and I did not like it, it was nasty. In fact I went to a Chinese restaurant and I tried some different sushi and I liked it. But you have inspired me Dr Vivedelli to try sushi,so I will try it. And thank you for sharing your blog with me.

    1. I'm glad for you because you are going to try sushi

    2. I never tried sushi I bet its SO GROSS right.

    3. Try it again.I recommend starting with mango or avocado,then salmon then tuna.If you think you're ready try a california roll,but it may take a while.

    4. I don't like sushi Jayiln Have you ever ate pig feet1

    5. I never had sushi.

  44. I love your blog! I never ate sushi but I might like it because I love tuna and fish. I am willing to eat it. My favorite food is seafood . My least favorite food is pig feet. Have you tried it before? You inspired me to eat new food !! THANK YOU DR.V! THANK YOU !!

  45. Thanks for showing us this blog. I liked it. I have that sushi picture as my wall paper on my Chromebook. If I can eat this tasty fish and more I would yum!. One time I ate this really weird potato- sweet potato.
    I said MORE!!!!!!!! after one bite! I LOVED IT I almost ate it all day.

  46. Thank you for that blog.I never tried sushi but I really want to. I liked the part when you said" I got hooked," it was funny thanks for the blog. I liked soups, veggies, and fruit too, but I don't like octopus and I don't like squash. I might try sushi some day.

    1. Try itttttttttttttttt!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  47. Thank you for sharing that with me I thought that was vary interesting.Have you ever tried Wasabi it is very hot.I ate a piece of octopus and it was nasty.My mom and I ate a very hot piece of sushi it was very good.

  48. This comment has been removed by the author.

  49. This comment has been removed by the author.

  50. Joey I like sweet potato too I wish you can try sushi even thought i never tried it.

  51. Your blog opened my mind and made me kind of hungry.I may have seen pictures of sushi but I never actually tried it I hope I try it someday.New foods can be delicious!I went to my Dad's apartment once and I tried salad at first I thought I wouldn't like it but I did! Pickles are a type of food I don't like but I might someday.☺

    1. .... pickles they are amazing

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. Julian you are right its good

    5. remember to try it

    6. pickles are amazing like Jullian said

  52. This comment has been removed by the author.

  53. I enjoyed your blog. I never tried sushi but people I know say its good. I do not like green beans. pork chops I'm willing to try sushi at least three times.

    1. I like pork chops it is very good.

    2. I love pork chops what are you talking about.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    3. You don't like pork chops YOU ARE CRAZY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  54. Thank you for sharing that blog. I think i will try sushi now. One weird food I have tried was octopus, I thought it was gross. It was weird looking it and freaked me out. I also tried cooked octopus it was gross but better than raw octopus.

  55. yum i love that food

  56. Chase I like pickles but you don't you should try it its sooooooooooo good.

  57. Awesome blog Dr. Vivadelli. I have never tasted sushi but I think I would't like too I. didn't think I will like fish but now I do.But I don't like Duck.Maybe in the future I will try it again.

  58. Thank you for sharing your blog, I think your blog was very interesting, I tried an unfamiliar food to me and that was crabs. The first time I tried it is when I was five, I tried it.and I loved it! I had a little trouble with cracking the shell open. Have you ever tried crabs? If you didn't you just HAVE to try it, and again thanks for sharing your blog.

  59. This comment has been removed by the author.

  60. Be open minded about suuuuuuuushi!!!!!!!!!

  61. who here likes fish?

  62. who here likes fish?

  63. i like your post i tried fried ground beef on a fried pastry. I had liked it was very good i recommended for you.One unappetizing food for me is mixed vegetables

  64. I love sushi! the food i tried was white sausage, i didn't like it. my favorite food that i brought up courage to eat was liver whersht ( liver sausage ) and it was GREAT! and yes, joey, i do like fish. now will you stop asking? it is getting a bit annoying. ( no offence )

  65. I really like you blog i love chicken fingers at first i didint like them like the hard outside but now i like them. But with extra chese

  66. Thank you about your good story. One food I do not like is hippo. One food I do want to tired is squad, Thank you for your post

  67. Actually Dr.V I had sushi at a restaurant called Hibachi in Philadelphia.My favorite ingredient in sushi is the rice.The thing that is unappetizing to me is Brussels Sprouts.

  68. Thank you for sharing that! It was very interesting. I like many foods, but, what I like the most is crab! One thing I don't like is squash. : )

  69. My most favorite food is sushi. I could eat it every day. I most love calamari rolls, avocado, salmon, etc... I also love seaweed salad and edamame. I often take my daughter Carina on sushi dates and we have sushi, hot tea and discuss our weeks.
