Thursday, April 16, 2015

Do you have P.R.I.D.E?

Posters with a green and white rectangle adorn numerous walls in Evergreen Avenue Elementary School.  Inside classrooms, affixed to hallway walls, hung in the cafeteria, and inserted within student agenda books, these posters represent the core of what we believe at Evergreen.  These beliefs span social, emotional, and academic tenets. These are posters of P.R.I.D.E.

P.R.I.D.E stands for being positive, being respectful, having integrity, being dependable, and showing effort.

Specific definitions and examples are included after each character trait along with our school motto, keep love present.

Students are recognized by staff members for showing the characteristics of P.R.I.D.E and their names are placed on our Good Deed Tree and a positive note is sent to their parents.  Some students are even selected by their teachers to become a P.R.I.D.E Leader.  These leaders receive a coveted bracelet:

...and get to participate in super fun celebrations each month.  A group of staff members affectionately known as the POPS (People of PRIDE) have documented these parties through video:

Our school is even formulating a P.R.I.D.E Council which will be comprised of 4th and 5th grade P.R.I.D.E Leaders whose job will be to advise myself, as principal, on school affairs.  While only P.R.I.D.E Leaders are eligible to serve on the P.R.I.D.E Council, all 4th and 5th grade students will have the opportunity to vote for their representative. Look for more details about this in the coming days.

Evergreen students - I would like to hear from you in the comment section below about how having P.R.I.D.E has affected you in a positive way this year.  Could you give me one example of someone you've seen demonstrating P.R.I.D.E?  What were they doing?  Tell me all about it!


  1. I show Effort because when Mrs. Pringle gives me something to do I really try my best. P.R.I.D.E helps me with a lot of things it helps me be positive. I saw Jordan being dependable because he is always on time to school and respectful to kids He is a great friend.

  2. Thank you for sharing your blog with me. One person I think is showing PRIDE is Jason he is reading the magic tree house and has been flying threw them.I think he is going to finish this year. He has been putting a lot of effort in to his reading.PRIDE has help me be a become a better person because I helped Sy'Asia.

  3. Thank you for your Blog. One way I show PRIDE is by putting effort into my work. I have seen one of my classmates putting effort into her work and reading. SyAsia shows PRIDE in our classroom.

  4. I have shown PRIDE this year and became a PRIDE leader by showing respect, effort, being positive and dependable. One way I show PRIDE is I am positive and never give up. I always keep trying. I saw Martina showing PRIDE. She always shows Respect.

  5. I would like to be a P.R.I.D.E leader. Someone in my class always shows P.R.I.D.E everyday that is Keith and Me we are always showing pride. It has been affecting by doing better in class.
